New Feature – Maintain File Versions

Maintain File Versions

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In our latest release (Version 2.6.7) Cloudsfer maintains file versions during the migration process.

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Migration Feature – Maintain File Versions


Any time you edit or manage a document, a new version of that file is created and the previous versions are stored in your source system. Cloudsfer now support versions migration in the easiest way possible. Just choose how many versions you wish to maintain in the migration plan wizard and let us do the rest.


Maintain file versions


Versions feature is maintained using the following systems:

BIM 360




SharePoint Online

More coming soon!


For more information, please see our guide in our knowledge base:

Version feature manual – Cloudsfer Knowledge base

Or contact our support team at: [email protected]

Also check out our supported systems pages: transfer box to OneDrivetransfer google drive to Dropboxtransfer Dropbox to Office 365 and more with ease!


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