Cloud Migration Tools
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Secure, cost effective, fast and easy to use cloud migration tools
As more and more companies have already transfer their data to the cloud, you can understand that cloud migrations can be complex and risky. At Cloudsfer we have more than 18 years of experience with content and cloud data migration, both small as well as big projects. Cloudsfer has the best migrations tools to ensure a successful migration.
A cloud migration is when a company transfers part or all of its data center capabilities into the cloud. Some of the migrations are from cloud to cloud environments and some of the companies are transferring their data from on premise to cloud provider. Many companies want to backup their cloud data to their local environment which called cloud to on premise migration.
Using Cloudsfer you can easily transfer your data to more than 30 cloud and on-premise systems.
Cloud to Cloud
If you already have content stored in a cloud storage and you want to migrate to a new cloud platform we have the best cloud to cloud migration tools. With Cloudsfer, you can just move your data to over 20 different cloud storages with one easy to use migration platform. This could be migrate to Microsoft 365, OneDrive FTP, Box Dropbox, Azure blob S3, or even GSuite migration.
With our Multi-User Migration solution enables you to transfer multiple users in a few quick steps. Using Cloudsfer you can transfer cloud to cloud (e.g Dropbox to Google Drive) data including security, permissions, metadata and filter out un-needed files.

Check out the cloud systems we support for cloud to cloud migration

On Premise to Cloud
When an organization is moving on premise to cloud storage provider it can be risky and you can lose data in a case of SAN migration for example. Our on premise to cloud migration tools were developed over years of experience and designed to respond to all on premises cloud migration requirements (e.g NAS Google Drive). Cloudsfer enables you to transfer data from your File System and from various ECM systems (FileNet, eRoom, Documentum, LiveLink, DocuShare, eDocs, HP trim, Lotus Notes and many more systems) and integrates over 20 cloud storage providers at your fingertips.
Using our SharePoint migration tool – Tzunami Deployer – you can transfer data from older Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems to SharePoint online, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams and more. You have the possibility to export the data with our unique exporters, filtering during the export process itself based on desired conditions and migrate to the target cloud system of their choice.
Check out the systems we support for on premise to cloud migration
Cloud to On Premise
Using Cloudsfer, both individuals as well as organizations can transfer their data, files and photos from a wide range of supported cloud to on premise systems for NAS backup or any reason.
Our NFS file transfer tool, providing a solution that simplifies the data transformation process and provides a secure way of uploading data from the cloud. The process of migrating the data is done automatically by Cloudsfer, removing the need of manual downloading and re-uploading the files from your cloud to the network file system.

Check out the systems we support for cloud to on premise migration

On Premise to On Premise
At Cloudsfer, we have a fast, easy and secure NAS file transfer tool which reads the mapped network drives and will be available even when the user has logged off. Using Cloudsfer you can also migrate SharePoint on premise to file system and many more integrations.
Through Tzunami’s SharePoint migration tool – Tzunami Deployer – you can migrate content from various ECM systems to SharePoint on premise version (e.g Confluence SharePoint). We will support you through the entire migration life cycle. From preparing the data for transformation, analyze, export, load, mapping and finally migrate to your new cloud environment. Furthermore, we have tools for post migration such as URL redirection solution, link resolver service, delta migration, backup and more.