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We’ve all been there—signing up for a new service and clicking “I Agree” without a second thought. But hidden in those lengthy terms and conditions are crucial details that can significantly impact your organization.
So many statistics surround us that it can sometimes be overwhelming. Sometimes, we may choose to look the other way or fail to fully understand their impact and consequences on our day-to-day organizational life. Learn more about those stats and Autodesk backup solution.
Cloud data security misconceptions have led too many companies to lose their most important files, lose money, and even close operations. When it comes to your construction cloud security, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Transitioning to a new cloud technology is a crucial step for any organization and with it come many questions. Find out what questions you should ask yourself before moving to the cloud.
This article aims to guide you through a detailed comparison of Dropbox vs SharePoint two leading cloud services, to help you make an informed decision that will empower your team and optimize your workflows. After reading, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to select a platform that not only meets your current needs but also scales with your business’s growth, ensuring a future-proof digital working environment. The Dropbox vs SharePoint comparison is crucial for understanding which platform best suits your business needs:
Are you considering a cloud transfer for your organization? You must ensure that every move, especially those with a substantial impact on your organization, is designed for maximum efficiency. Automated migration tools facilitate a smoother, more streamlined cloud file transfer process by automating many of the steps involved, and much more.
Are you considering the transition of data from one cloud system to another? Many organizations are taking this crucial step to improve efficiency, reduce costs, or enhance functionality. Some are led by practical reasons, such as the merger of two companies using different cloud technologies, and all are facing the need to explore cloud migration strategies.
In July 2017, a consumer credit reporting agency discovered a massive data breach that exposed the personal information of approximately 147 million people. The company’s inability to recover and restore customer data led to a decline in the company’s stock price, resulting in significant financial losses.
Nowadays, data is the lifeblood of every organization, regardless of its size. It encompasses critical business information, sensitive customer details, financial records, etc. The importance of safeguarding this data cannot be overstated. That’s where Cloud Backup Service comes into play, serving as the ultimate safety net for your invaluable digital assets. In this article, we’ll explore why data backup is crucial and introduce Cloudsfer’s innovative backup solution ready to defend your data against unforeseen threats.   

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Cloudsfer has been selected for the 2023 New York Award in the Software company category by the New York Award Program.
In the fast-paced world of construction, where intricate plans and collaborative efforts culminate to create awe-inspiring structures, the significance of data cannot be overstated. From blueprints and project schedules to financial records and communication logs, every piece of information plays a vital role in ensuring the success of a construction project. However, with the increasing reliance on technology, the risk of data loss looms, making a strong case for implementing robust backup systems. In this blog post, we will dive into why backing up data is paramount in the construction industry.
Google Drive has gained immense popularity as a versatile platform for file management and collaboration. Its real-time editing, commenting, and version history features have made it a great choice for individuals and businesses. However, a successful Google Drive Migration requires careful planning and execution. In this article, we will explore strategies and provide valuable tips and tricks for achieving a smooth Google Drive migration
In today’s digital age, data backup, and migration have become crucial aspects of managing and safeguarding business information. As organizations rely more heavily on cloud storage and collaboration platforms, finding the right tools to ensure the security and integrity of data becomes paramount. In this article, we will explore the best practices for utilizing the Egnyte backup and Egnyte migration tools.
You should consider your company’s data to be one of its most important assets, regardless of the size of the organization. The key to controlling and leveraging this information is to focus on managing it rather than managing the device or the data center. If you are interested in managing your data, this article is for you. Here are some tips and tricks to help you manage and maximize your data.
When was the last time you backed up your data? Never backed up? It is easier than you think. Set it up in seconds. Learn how to safely back up your data with Cloudsfer and remember to back up your documents before April Fool’s Day.
The world’s most valuable resource is data (according to The Economist) and you must protect it. This article covers the importance of backup and replicate the data into your local environment. Always be prepared, never lose a file.
2500 projects over 1 million files needed migration from the current document management system to the cloud. Here we are going to share with you one of our success stories, the challenges, the solutions and how we help Arcadis migrate their data to the cloud during COVID 19.
Syncing your existing construction data with a cloud-based platform will assist you in makig strategic decisions on individual jobs as well as your entire set of projects. Syncing construction data help you realize time and cost savings
lets start a new project together

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