Case Study
Egnyte to Google Drive

Big Time Egnyte to Google Drive Case Study

Egnyte to Google Drive Case Study

Timeframe project: 3 days

Source & Target Systems: Egnyte to Google Drive

Special Feature: Delta Migration

Project size: An acquisition where the smaller company was an Egnyte user, and needed to get their historical data into the main companies Google drive.

Egnyte to Google Drive Migration Case Study

Micah Algie, system administrator in Big Time is sharing: “There were quite a few green flags when I considered at first Cloudsfer but the biggest factor in your corner was your pricing.
It was not only fair for what I was getting, but it was straightforward and I could find it on your website. Nothing is more annoying than putting together projector proposals, and realizing that you cannot price a tool you are looking at without a direct call. To be frank, it’s at the point where if a service is not upfront about pricing, it’s simply no longer considered. The way that the cost and subscription management was handled by you guys was honestly a breath of fresh air, and really put the nail in the coffin of some other tools that made me feel like they were trying to nickel and dime me.”

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