Case Study

Cloud-to-cloud Migration Case Study

Jungle Disk to SharePoint Online Migration Case Study

Timeframe project: 1 day for migration and 1 day more with deltas

Source & Target Systems: Jungle Disk to SharePoint Online

Special Feature: Delta Migration

Project size: 80 GB

Jungle Disk to SharePoint Online Migration Case Study

RED74, an IT services management and consulting company in New Jersey and PA, were responsible for managing and executing the Jungle Disk to SharePoint Online migration project. Using Cloudsfer, they migrated successfully about 80 GB of mixed “file share” data – Office documents, PDFs, pictures, .PST files, etc.

Robin Normart, the Managing Director at RED74, told us that he decided to migrate from JungleDisk, because it is an old and outdated platform.  “We wanted to make use of our client’s existing Office 365 subscription that they were already paying for.  Moving their data to SharePoint allowed us to cancel the JungleDisk subscription.  They are now paying less to have their data on a modern file share platform with far more features and flexibility then what they had before”.

1 Day SharePoint Migration

Cloudsfer allows migrate only the newest data into your SharePoint or any target system, using the delta migration feature with a Single Click solution. At first, the company did an initial “seed” copy then did a “delta” or “catchup” copy a few days later when they were ready for the final cutover. The migration took only one day and one day more for the Delta migration. Finally, they successfully migrated 19,801 Folders and about 65,535 items uploaded.

With Cloudsfer they could instantly transfer files from Jungle Disk to SharePoint. Furthermore, using Cloudsfer you can maintain metadata, keep the hierarchy structure and apply filters by file size, creation and modification dates.

Benefits of using Cloudsfer for Jungle Disk to SharePoint Migration

Robin Normart, the Managing Director at RED74, told us that he chose Cloudsfer because we offered JungleDisk as a supported migration source.  “JungleDisk is a niche product, and it was awesome that Cloudsfer supported it”.

Cloudsfer can help you with easy, fast and secure migration. The service is cloud based and didn’t require any installations. For any case there is a 24/7 support team which are always happy to help as described here.

When RED74 did the first test copy, they noticed that the file modified dates were being lost in the migration – all files on the destination had create/modified dates at the time of the migration.  This would have been a major pain for their client since everyone relies on modified dates to organize and locate data within file shares.  Robin contacted Cloudsfer’s support, and the

“Thanks so much for making our JungleDisk migration so painless! I was really impressed when you guys quickly modified the tool to accommodate my request to preserve that metadata. ESPECIALLY for a small-scale job like this and for such a niche product like JungleDisk.”
Robin Normart
Managing Director, Service Operations RED74 IT Support
“We all have finished the migration projects successfully and on behalf of the whole project team I want to thank for your strong involvement in this project and all your input, suggestions and effort were an important part of the success of this projects. Showing what you can offer and how you can help in a big project like this is more powerful than a big advertising campaign”.
Ruud van Tongeren
IT Functional Head of Engineering Applications, Europe Arcadis.
“Support team was mostly great, and always great during business hours – at times during off-hours we did not get a response from Customer Support, so we had to escalate to Roy (and are SO appreciative that he helped us in those urgent times!). We were under a tight deadline due to unwelcome surprises with the previous tool, and everyone we interacted with was professional, informed, capable and helpful. The team understood our time requirements and worked hard to help us meet our goals. They were focused on our success.”
Mike Trogolo
Director, IS Infrastructure and Operations Cynosure
“We faced a problem with eml. Files and Cloudsfer’s customized solution solved our data migration issue smoothly, with attention to detail from the support team resulting in a perfectly satisfying solution. Thanks a lot. We give them a Top rank both for execution and customer service.”
Rasmus D. Pedersen
CEO, Spain is More S.A.
“Your support team was very helpful in the process and the data transfer overall was great using Cloudsfer”.
Manish Dhakal
IT Manager Robinson & Henry, P.C.
“I’m very happy with the experience since Cloudsfer was as easy to use as Cloudsfer said in their marketing. Would recommend Cloudsfer to anyone migrating between different cloud providers”
Lars Widmark
CTO, Djäkne

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